Courtney Ferrell Fitness

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How to Get Moving at The Office

Sister, today I want to chat about one of the biggest “silent” killers of our day and age. Something that hardly gets addressed, but can be so detrimental to your health! It’s something that we often don’t think of…sitting! Sitting for long periods of time in the workplace, usually 8+ hours a day, can really wreak havoc on your body.

According to, "Aches and pains are the least of your problems — sitting too much can lead to an early death. You face a higher risk of muscular-skeletal disorders, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and more, even if you work out regularly. Around 86% of American workers sit all day at work."

86%. That number is HUGE! I know that so many of my sisters out there are in jobs that you are sitting for long periods of time and it’s the reason why I’m here today sharing tips to get you up and moving around without disrupting your workday! Let’s all work together to make movement a regular part of our day to keep our bodies healthy.

Here are my top five tips to help you get moving at the office:

1.    Set a Timer. Set a timer on your phone for every 45 min. When your alarm goes off, stand up, and if you are able, walk around. Use this mini break to go visit a co-worker down the hall, print your next document at the printer across the building, or do a few light stretches in your office. Be sure to reset it to keep this cycle going throughout the day!

2.    Use the Stairs. If stairs are in your office building, ditch the elevator and use the stairs. This is a super easy way to get your heart pumping and steps in!

3.    Bathroom Squats. What? Yes, Every time you go to the bathroom, do 10-20 squats. It will give your heart rate a little boost, and it won't hurt to plump up your behind!

4.    Lunch Power Hour. Use your lunch break as a time to exercise. Use the company gym, join an online Bootcamp, like Fit Strong Mama, or walk around the office building. There are so many resources to make this hour count every day!

5.    Walk and Talk. When you are on the phone, get up and walk. On a Zoom call, get up and walk. Get your steps in AND work. Best of both worlds.

Sitting at a desk job can be daunting, and you could feel chained to it, but that doesn't have to be the case. You can get up and move! You can make it easier on your body and get your heart rate up during that 8-hour workday.

If you need direction and accountability, I suggest starting with #4 – and Fit Strong Mama can help!

What I love about Fit Strong Mama Bootcamp (and a huge reason that I started it!) is that it’s an easy way to get in your exercise for the day. Working out has NEVER been easier! The recordings are uploaded every day for you to view at any time. Minimal weights and space are needed to complete the workouts. The workouts are only 30 minutes long, and can literally fit into any space you have during the day (even your lunch hour!) The community of women is amazing and a vital asset to accountability.

If you’re ready to have a group of cheerleaders who want you to be the amazing person Christ designed you to be, happy, healthy & overflowing… join us!