Courtney Ferrell Fitness

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FSM's Weekly Bible Devotional for Busy Moms & Women: Luke 1:45

This verse is such a sweet reminder that God is REAL, and so are His promises. His Word is living and active, and it applies to us, Sister! God promises to fight for us, provide for our families, bring us His unending peace, and love us unconditionally.

I love what Proverbs 31 Ministries says in their devotional about this verse:

“God speaks. He gives the promise. And we believe.

Simple, right? Yet believing God’s promises is sometimes the hardest part. Believing is daring. Believing flies in the face of all we’re experiencing. We feel uncertain, scared we’re making it all up. Our faith feels woefully wobbly and feeble…

God births supernatural things through women. He whispers to our imperfect hearts and beckons us to believe His stunning promises. Even when we’re a hot mess. When we dare to believe Him, He is honored. He is glorified. And His promises begin to unfold.

If we dare to believe, we’ll be blessed among women… If you’ve ever felt like you’re somewhere between a rock and a hot mess, you’re not alone. And contrary to how it might seem, you’re actually in a good place. A divine place, where holy promise exists. A place where every woman can dare to believe and embrace all God offers.” (To catch the full Proverbs 31 Ministries devotional, click here!)

So mama, share with us today - what promise are you holding onto?