Courtney Ferrell Fitness

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FSM's Bible Devotional for Busy Moms & Women: Matthew 25:23

Whether it’s a perfect score on a test, taking a first step, or a new masterpiece made in the mud, I believe every mama can agree that we are proud of our children! Even the smallest accomplishments make us beam with pride. We don’t hesitate to share with our children that we are their biggest cheerleaders. However, we are often much harder on ourselves.

Sisters, today I want to encourage you to celebrate your small victories, too! Cooking dinner after a long day, smashing your workout when you didn’t feel like it, and juggling work and home life are all meaningful accomplishments. Even if no one else says thank you, God sees you, and He’s proud of you. I’m proud of you! Your efforts matter and they do not go unnoticed.

He has given you this beautiful life, and is proud of what you are doing with what He has given you… just check out Matthew 25:23 and the parable of the bags of gold where today’s verse comes from. Your hard work and faithfulness will be blessed by Christ!

Mamas, celebrate with the Lord and join Him in the pride & happiness He feels about you as his faithful servant!