Courtney Ferrell Fitness

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Becoming a Fit Strong Mama: Laurens's Transformation Story

Today I’m sharing a very special story about one of our own! Lauren, our November Fit Strong Mama of the Month, is a dear FSM family member and I’m SO incredibly proud of the huge steps she’s made on her journey over the past two years! Today she is sharing her story and some amazing pictures of her transformation to happy, healthy, and overflowing mama!

“Honestly I’m not sure how I found FSM, but I am so thankful I did! Almost 10 years ago, I went on a mission trip to partner with a church in Courtney‘s area. We have some mutual friends on Facebook and I am guessing that is how she started showing up on my feed! Her posts got my attention because she was different than other fitness figures I followed. She had a different focus... She was focused being stronger instead of skinnier.

I’ve struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. Not once had I ever considered the importance of being “stronger” over skinnier. I started in January at four months postpartum with my second child. I was overwhelmed with everything... my emotions, my body, my responsibilities, you name it.

Money is tight in our house, so spending $25 a month was a real commitment for me and that is how I held myself accountable. The workouts were so doable because they were just 30 minutes and if I couldn’t do an exercise she told me how to modify it, while the whole time being so encouraging not to stop! I could also take this anywhere. We live away from family, so when we’d go to visit - Courtney came. I literally work out in my kids’ play area (most the time with them playing around me). I’ve done many a plank with a 30lb toddler pulling on me!

Before I knew it, I was a couple months in and I could tell a difference in my strength and my clothes. As a rule, I don’t weigh myself! If I had to guess, I think I’ve lost about 30 pounds or so. But that’s just a number! The way I feel emotionally matters so much more! I am a stronger mama inside and out. I have more to give to my husband, my children, my church family, and my community. I have recommended FSM to so many people!

I love Courtney and I love her heart. I am her biggest cheerleader. Last December, I ran the St. Jude half and beat my previous time by 16 minutes! I have no doubt all my hard work paid off. At almost 2 years into FSM, I can’t wait to get stronger and stronger (inside and out) with this wonderful tribe. What are you waiting for momma? Jump in!”

I am so proud of Lauren and so very thankful for you and just amazed at what God has done and continuing to do. Sister, this is not a sprint, this is a process. There is no quick fix, no magic pill. You have to put in the time and the effort if you want to make changes.

This is a life CHANGE, not a 30 day challenge. And what’s amazing is that we have an amazing tribe of women who are making those same changes & commitment to themselves and want to welcome you with open arms! If you would like to learn more about Fit Strong Mama and how to get started on your journey, check out the “JOIN” page or send me a message so that we can chat one-on-one!