Courtney Ferrell Fitness

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Day 6 - Fuel #3... Fats

Today we’re covering the final macronutrient that acts as fuel for your body- fats! Very similar to carbs, fats easily get a not-so-awesome reputation in the health community because there are different kinds of fats, and it’s easy to lump them all in together as just “fats.” However, our amazing God purposefully DESIGNED all of these macronutrients to work together in our bodies to give us energy so that we can further His kingdom through our works!
⭐So what is fat? ⭐
Healthy fats are vital for building and repairing your body tissues and for making sure your brain stays healthy and sharp, so don’t be afraid of it! Fat is also necessary for vitamin and mineral absorption.
What’s also really neat about fats, is that when you eat them with a well-balanced meal, they can help prevent the sugar spikes your body naturally gets from eating carbs!
⭐What are the types of fats? ⭐
◾Saturated Fats
◾Unsaturated Fats
◾Trans fats
⭐Saturated Fats ⭐
Saturated fats are generally solid or waxy at room temperature and come mostly from animal products. Taking in too much saturated fat is linked with raising levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol in the blood and increasing internal inflammation.
Saturated fats have been seen as bad (and you might have heard that before), but new research tells us that they can be a healthy part of the diet, BUT in moderation and in the absence of refined carbs. (check out info in Saturated fats here:
Foods high in saturated fat include:
◾Beef, pork, lamb, veal, and skin of poultry
◾Hot dogs, bologna, salami
◾High fat dairy products, such as, cream, ice cream, whole milk, 2% milk, cheese, 4% cottage cheese
◾Butter, lard, bacon fat
◾Tropical oils, such as palm, palm kernel, coconut oil
◾Baked goods, such as cookies, pastries, croissants
⭐Trans Fats ⭐
Trans fatty acids are formed when a liquid fat is changed into a solid fat through a process called hydrogenation. Many manufacturers use hydrogenated oils as an ingredient because it extends the shelf life and consistency of foods. Trans fat will raise levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and decrease levels of “good” HDL cholesterol.
🚫There are no safe levels of trans fat to eat each day, so it is recommended by professionals to try to avoid trans-fat completely. 🚫
Sources of trans fat include:
◾Solid margarine
◾Powdered coffee cream, liquid flavored coffee cream
◾Convenience foods, such as certain brands of pre-packaged baked goods
⭐Unsaturated Fats ⭐
These fats are usually liquid at room temperature. Sources include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. When used in place of saturated fat, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats help lower cholesterol levels. This group also includes Omega-3 fats too. Omega-3 fats are a type of polyunsaturated fat that have heart protective benefits and are associated with lowering inflammation in the body.
Sources of unsaturated fats include:
◾Olive, canola, and peanut oils
◾Nuts and nut butters
◾Safflower, sunflower, corn, soybean, and cottonseed oils
◾chia seeds
⭐How much fat should you eat in a day? ⭐
Since fats are more calorie-dense, it is important to understand what a serving of a fat is equivalent to. For example, one teaspoon of butter, margarine or mayonnaise is one fat serving. For times when you may not have a measuring spoon available, a visual equivalent of one teaspoon is the tip of your thumb.
You should aim to get 2-3 servings per day (that’s 2-3 thumbs worth of GOOD fats!)
⭐How can I get more fats in my diet? ⭐
This article does an awesome job of outlining fats, and how you can integrate them into your diet, I’ve outlined some of them below:
✔️Use light olive oil in baking when oil is called for, use coconut oil or butter when shortening is called for
✔️Pan fry fish or chicken with a little coconut oil or peanut oil
✔️Roast root vegetables like sweet potato and fresh beets with olive oil, salt, and balsamic vinegar
✔️Add a teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil when sautéing veggies for stir fries or omelets
✔️Eat a handful of raw almonds, walnuts, raw cashews, or pecans (A little salt is ok!)
✔️1/2 an avocado, salt, and celery is a great snack
✔️Put some butter on that potato (the butter will slow blood-sugar spike from the carbs of the potato!)
✔️Eat wild caught salmon, tuna, or other cold-water fish a couple times a week (great source of Omega 3!)
✔️Add a tablespoon of ground flax seed to your oatmeal or daily smoothie
✔️Eating grass fed beef/animals and grass-fed dairy products as well as eggs
Oh yeah and don’t forget to enjoy some crispy bacon from time to time, because it’s life sister!
⭐ACTION: What’s one way that you plan to make sure you are getting the right fats into your diet? ⭐