FSM's Weekly Bible Devotional for Busy Moms & Women: Proverbs 22:6

Weekly Bible Study for Moms & Women | Workout Bible Study | Bible Verse Proverbs 22:6

The changes you make today will impact the lives of your children and their children! YOU, sweet mama, are their role model, and they are learning from what they see you do.

Even though that can feel overwhelming at times, He has prepared you for this! When you don’t feel like pressing on, remember why you are doing things such as spending time with the Lord in devotion, spending 30 minutes a day working out, eating to fuel your body, and KNOW that God has designed you for these very moments.

Your little ones pick up on your habits and attitudes towards life...so let’s join together and be intentional today in the habits we are displaying for them!

How will you intentionally encourage your kiddos today?

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