Courtney Ferrell Fitness

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How to Find Motivation (And Get Back to Crushing Your Goals!)

According to the dictionary, the word motivate means, “to provide with a motive, or a cause or reason to act; incite; impel.”

For all my English scholars, I did some research. The word motivate is considered a verb (used with object). It is an action verb, but something or someone receives the action.

Sisters, it requires ACTION with YOU benefiting the action! You can’t find it. It doesn’t just magically happen. It’s not a cold, you won’t get catch it from someone else. It requires you to DO something. I get asked all of the time, “where do you find your motivation? I am just so tired all of the time.”

Well, mama, you have come to the right place. I am going to share with you some actions you can start taking to GET motivated and some actions to take when the motivation doesn’t seem to be there.

So sit back and let’s find yours!


What is your reason for wanting to get healthier? Is it to be able to run around with your kids? Is it to feel better? Do you have a favorite pair of jeans that you are itching to get into? Once you know WHY you are wanting to workout, that reason should be more important than not working out!


Take your calendar and pen out or get on your Google calendar and SCHEDULE IT IN. You schedule dentist appointments, girl doctor appointments and the eye doctor, so WHY NOT make an appointment for your BODY!? If you look at your calendar each week and put 30 min for you into the schedule, you are already setting yourself up for success by making a conscious effort.


Grab your sister or your best friend and DO IT TOGETHER! From my own personal experience and others, like Fit Strong Mama bootcampers, you are more apt to stick to something if another person is involved. You don’t want to let them down or be embarrassed that you don’t show up. Confide in each other and hold each other accountable!


That’s right. Being that motivation takes ACTION, you have to act. In the 5 second rule, by Mel Robbins, she states, “The 5 Second Rule is simple. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it.” So, do not think, count 5,4,3,2,1 and go. Your goals are waiting on you to act on them.

The difficult thing about this subject is that no one can just supply you with motivation... YOU sister have to dig deep and find it within you! You can FEEL motivated by watching someone or looking through Pinterest, but until you decide and ACT on it, those goals are just going to be wishes. So let’s move to action together! I hope that these tips can help you find that motivation so that you can get out there and start crushing it! You’ll find that every little baby step starts building up to something amazing in no time at all! Also, I encourage you to find a workout program that you love! Find something that gets your heart rate up and pushes you. With FSM, you can take the workouts anywhere and do them anytime. We’d love to have you give it a shot and join our tribe.