Is Fit Strong Mama Bootcamp for You?


If you are like me, after you make a decision, Satan creeps in and so does doubt.  So naturally, there have been times when I have questioned this business, questioned if I should let it go.  But God ALWAYS intervenes and randomly a bootcamper will message me or text me their non scale victories or how this bootcamp is giving them their confidence back!  Those are what I call “God winks”, sisters. And I just let Him know “I see you, God” and I continue on.

About a month ago, I stepped out in faith and decided to go to part time at my current job, so I could focus on FSM and nurturing this business and ministry to let God work.  He is showing up and I have NO doubts. None. This the path I am supposed to lead.

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I so strongly feel that there are so many opportunities that women are missing every day because they are letting fear run their lives - when in fact if you take that leap, many beautiful blessings are right around the corner! Being in the fitness business, I come across a lot of women who are at that intersection of whether they should take that leap or not. Maybe they have the fear that it will take too much time away from their family, or it’s too late in life for them to start.

Well Sister, I’m here to tell you - you are NOT alone! The amazing news is that I’ve seen so many women squash those fears and they gave our bootcamp a try. They’ve committed 30 minutes a day to themselves, and they are seeing improvements, they are seeing changes, and they are LOVING it. But don’t take my word for it… I wanted you to hear it first hand, why some of my bootcampers took their own leap and joined FSM and why they continue to stay!

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“To be able to work out when I wanted! Something that was doable with two kids under 5!”

“Being able to stay home with my kids and not having to find a sitter or a gym with childcare. Plus staying at home is better for me since I’ve gained so much weight. Not like judgement from others.”

“I don’t feel comfortable in a gym.”

“Being able to do it anytime and at home with no judgement! And the consistent encouragement doesn’t hurt!”

“Lots of reasons...don’t like the gym, better health, more stamina & strength, I want to play with the grandkids, I want to LIVE, not just exist.”

“Working out at my convenience!”

“I wanted someone to plan out my workouts and someone to constantly remind me how important it is to make time for yourself.”

“To get my"self" back also be able to workout whenever and wherever I want to.”

“So many reasons!! For me time, to fill my cup, to be happier, healthier, stronger, to let it all go. To lower stress and anxiety. To not take away time with my family. To be in a group of women that hold each other accountable. To laugh and cry and pray all on the same workout!! (Trust me, it's happened) but most importantly, to love myself again.”

“So many reasons! So that I can do it when convenient for me, and don’t have to drive anywhere. And so that I can be happier and healthier!”

“Honestly it was to fit into clothes that I have spent tons of money on that didn’t fit anymore & to feel more confident in a bathing suit. What I’ve gotten though is so much more! I have more energy for sure and take time for me.”

“Gyms are inconvenient, this is so easy & I can workout with other people without leaving home.”

“To be healthier, stronger, and toned without having to find childcare to do so. And I do it in the morning so it doesn’t take away from our afternoons with ball and activities.”

“It’s a big journey and my why is pretty large. So many reasons. Mainly to be healthy, to have the energy to get outside and play a game of football with my boys (I have gotten winded and disappointed my oldest for having to quit in the middle of the game), and I want to find myself again. I have pushed myself to the back over the past 3 years and throw postpartum depression in on top of it all....let’s just say ITS TIME and the workouts from home take away my excuses and ensure I get my time in.”

“The convenience, accountability, being able to do it with my oldest, feeling better in my own skin and fitting into my clothes again.”

“In home workout that pushes me past the limits I don't cross when working out on my own. Perfect fit for my schedule. Is doable thus I can be successful.”

“Didn’t have time to make it to a group fitness class on a regular basis and I always got bored/quit any workout dvds I did.”

“After getting chased by a Pit bull while I was running and literally thought I was going to die before I could make it up the hill to get away from it - I knew something had to give! I love working around a schedule that works for me (which is never the same time of day everyday). I knew if I had to get ready to go to a gym I’d never make it there - too many variables! I love working and toning all muscle groups! I don’t feel guilty about giving myself 30 minutes - it’s wonderful! So thankful I have this option.”

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Do you want to be able to say one of the above?  Are you looking to feel better? Run around with your kiddos?  Finally be able to be consistent with workouts?

I hope that if you are on the fence that these stories are that little wink you need to know that just like these women, YOU, beautiful sister, and loved, worthy, and completely capable - and no matter what your doubts are, that taking a leap can lead to amazing things!

We all have 30 min in a day to take care of ourselves and take back our health.  Or maybe you want to just start living a healthy lifestyle! FSM welcomes ALL fitness levels and everyone who signs up gets a FREE week to trial so you can see if our program is a good fit for your lifestyle!

A healthy lifestyle has no end result.  There is no finish line. Just daily decisions to take care of the body God has given you!!

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