Day 15 - The Ultimate Food List + GI


So one key thing to making sure that you eat foods that fuel your body, is to BUY foods that fuel your body! So today I’m sharing with you a great go-to grocery list…and the fun part about it, is that it’s broken down by GI (Glycemix Index) levels.
I know… ONE more thing to learn about! But I promise, it’s easy-peasy, and you’ll LOVE having this list when you learn what it’s about!!!
By now we know that carbs are an essential part of our diets, but not all carbohydrate foods are equal. The Glycemic Index (GI) is a ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates with a low GI value (55 or less) are more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolized and cause a lower and slower rise in blood glucose and, therefore usually, insulin levels. So sugar spikes are way less likely to happen… keeping your body at peace and your health on track!
There are three ratings for GI:
⭐️Low = GI value 55 or less
⭐️Medium = GI value of 56 – 69 inclusive
⭐️High = GI 70 or more
There’s definitely more to it, but for our purposes, I think that it’s something to be aware of. What I recommend is starting with this list and aim to shop for low GI foods… because that’s an easy way for your body to feel fuller for longer without you having to do anything but eat the food you bought!
After you aim for foods that are lower in GI, it’s easy from that point to check the labels for amounts of sugars, carbs, etc to help tailor it to fit within your desired diet strategy, but at least you took the first step in knowing that with lower GI foods you can help prevent sugar spikes and stop that crazy sugar cycle we talked about!
If you want to learn more about the Glycemic Index, check out this website:
⭐️ACTION: Check out the food shopping list that we’ve included in today’s post. Save it to your phone for easy shopping next time you’re at the store! Also, comment below with one food that surprised you to be in the low GI range (slow to process in your body!)⭐️