Day 23 - Vitamins & Supplements

Day 25 - Multivitamins and Probiotics Picture.png

Today I’m going to be covering a topic that I’ve gotten lots of questions on over the years… vitamins & probiotics!
It’s a dilemma that we ALL face… when you’re at any store there is always that vitamin section that seems to call our names! Are we doing enough for our bodies and do we need to provide any supplements to the food that we are eating? It feels a little complicated & scary if I’m gonna be honest! However, rest in the fact that God designed you and your body and He naturally made our bodies to glean as many of these essential nutrients from the food that we eat!
However, if you are curious to learn more I’ve got a few great resources outlined for you to check out!
⭐️Do you need to take a multivitamin?⭐️
There are times in life that your body may require you give it a boost (such as as you get older, if you’re pregnant, etc)! And multivitamins are a great way to do this and capture essential vitamins and minerals your body needs!
According to this article I came across, they recommend that anyone taking in 1600 or less calories per day find a multivitamin that will help supplement different vitamins and minerals you may not be receiving from your food. However, all bodies are different and you may have surpluses or deficiencies even if you are maintaining a healthy diet!
In this article from Healthline (, it outlines the 7 important things that you should be looking for in a multivitamin:
⭐️Vitamin B-12
⭐️Vitamin D
HOWEVER: I highly recommend that you check in with a doctor as they can do tests and really give you an accurate reading on how your levels are and if there is a specific supplement that you should be taking! Plus they can recommend the best multivitamin for you and your specific needs! (Example: if you are high in iron, you probably don’t want a multivitamin with extra iron in it, because it can cause some serious health issues! Visiting your doctor will be able to give you clear direction on what is best for your body!)
⭐️What about Probiotics?⭐️
So probiotics, while you can get them in the general nutrition section at any store near the vitamins and minerals, are a different product all together! Probiotics are live bacteria that are designed to aid with gut health and digestion.
What’s unique about probiotics is that each different one is composed of different microbacterias that are designed to help aid with different “problems” you may encounter with your gut health. So depending on what gut health issues you are looking to help with, there is probably a probiotic that is more recommended over another because of the different bacterias in it!
I think that this article from Healthline does a great job of outlining different probiotics for different causes such as:
⭐️weight loss
⭐️immunity support
⭐️general health
ACTION: Do you currently take a multivitamin or probiotic? If so, do you take a specific type or blend to help support different functions in your body?