Day 1 - Happy & Healthy: It Starts With Your Mindset

If there is one thing that I’ve learned over the years, through the ups and downs, it is that having a healthy mindset is SO much more than thinking about the food you eat, and exercise. And what a difference it makes y’all! Before we dive into food groups, etc. I just want to share with you my list of things that are a part of having a healthy mindset! 💕

My List for a Healthy Mindset (recap)!
⭐️Know and live fearlessly in this truth: You are beautifully and wonderfully made by the Lord, and He loves you AS YOU ARE!
⭐️You were called to be in the season that you are in, being a mama, wife, daughter – He purposefully made you for this and for His glory!
⭐️Be your best you & know your why in life! Your why is what drives you – it’s what motivates you and will keep you motivated on your journey even when things get difficult or you feel lost! So think about it, maybe even write it down… What’s the best version of YOU? Take time to deep down think about who He made you to be. What does that look like? What steps are you taking to be unapologetically you?
⭐️ Know that life simply happens, and that we can ALWAYS give it to the Lord! We’ve all been there – that curve ball just got thrown to us and it’s knocked us off balance! And sister, that’s just life. Things won’t always go as planned, we won’t always be able to stick to our plans, and stresses that we didn’t forsee can hit at any time! You have to learn to be flexible, willing to understand that you can’t control everything, and know that you can always give it to Him! Lift your heart to the Lord and he will give you comfort, peace, and guidance through the ups and downs.
⭐️Be empowered to always choose what is right for YOU - Everyone’s journey is not the same. What worked for someone may not work for you. And that’s OK!
⭐️Know that health is a JOURNEY – not a race! Just as there are seasons in life, there can be seasons of health too! As you go along, listen to your body! For example, I did intermittent fasting for years, and it worked great for me to help curb how much I ate and helped me from overeating. However, once I hit a new season in my life, I decided to start incorporating breakfast a few days a week and meal replacement shakes. I am still watching overall how much I consume; it just looks different now that it did before!
⭐️ Also know that real change IS possible! Research shows that the average time to form a new habit is actually more like 66 days ( – but it is possible to change your habits, mindest, and live your best life! Learning to look at the positives can help speed up habit formation and … it’s all about re-training your brain to look at the amazing things your body is capable of and appreciating it!
⭐️So how can you look at the positives? Ditch the scale! Non-scale victories are SO incredibly important and worth your attention, not just the number on the scale! Pay attention to these things! Plus, the scale doesn’t measure sexy, confident, strong, health, proud, committed, or happy. Why would you allow an object like a scale to take those things away from you?
⭐️Noticing changes in your health and non-scale victories also helps with develop quicker habit formation! Are you sleeping better? Are your allergies lessening? Do you feel less bloated? Maybe feel more confident? Note these things and celebrate them!
⭐️Practice gratitude! You know the saying of what goes in, comes out… the same is true of your mind! If you are being intentional with being thankful for even the tiniest of things like that smell of your hot cup of coffee, or the beautiful pinks and blues in the sunset, overtime your mind will naturally find these things!

In this course we are going to be teaching you the ins-and outs of nutrition & eating to fuel your body, but we pray that these things are always of the upmost importance on your health journey, because it truly makes a difference with how you approach things!

⭐️ACTION: Which one of these items on my healthy mindset list do you need to focus on? Would you add anything to your list? Share below!