Day 11 - Water

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Today I wanna share a few basics, that you've probably heard before... but it is SO important for your health, well-being, and SO much more!
WATER... are you getting enough of it?!? 💧💧💧
⭐️ The Benefits of Water ⭐️
💧 Helps with weight loss
💧 Healthier & Clearer Skin
💧 Can help with allergies & illnesses
💧 Your brain performs better
💧 Helps flush out waste from your body quicker
💧 and MANY other things!
⭐️ Signs of Dehydration⭐️
💧 Not peeing or having very dark yellow pee.
💧 Very dry skin
💧 Feeling dizzy
💧 Rapid heartbeat
💧 Rapid breathing
💧 Sunken eyes
💧 Sleepiness, lack of energy, confusion or irritability
💧 Fainting
💧 Headaches
⭐️How much water should I drink in a day? ⭐️
Not sure how much water you need to be drinking in a day? Super simple sister! Just take your body weight and divide it by 2. This is how many ounces of water a day you should be drinking.
So for someone who weighs 150 lbs, it would look like this: 150/2 = 75 ounces of water PER DAY!
In today’s pictures, we’re sharing some easy ways to help you increase your water intake as well as flavor your water so that it’s something you crave in the long term, because it’s truly one of the BEST things for your body and health!
⭐️How can I tell if I’m drinking enough water? ⭐️
Most people can gauge their water intake by looking at urine color. If you're getting enough water, your urine will be pale yellow, and you'll urinate several times a day.
However, note that urine color doesn't work for everyone. Taking dietary supplements that contain riboflavin will make your urine bright yellow, and certain medications can change the color of your urine, as well.
⭐️When should I increase my water intake? ⭐️
Depending on your activity level, there may be days that you need to purposely increase your water intake beyond the “standard” listed above. Here are some of those times:
💧 If you are thirsty
💧 If you have bad breath and dry mouth… this can be caused by reduced saliva production, which drinking more water can help with
💧 If you can’t think straight… studies show that even if your fluid levels are down just 2% of where they should be, it can cause a decline in your mental functions
💧 If you are physically active
💧 If you’re in a hot area
💧 High elevations
💧 If you have a fever
💧 If you have Diarrhea
💧 If you have a Hangover
💧 If you are Pregnant
💧 If you are Breastfeeding
Looking for a little more in-depth breakdown? This blog post does an AWESOME job of breaking down so many elements of your body and water: .
⭐️ACTION: Share below, how much water are you currently drinking per day (be honest sister!) 👇 👇 👇