Day 12 - How to Get Started

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We made it girl! We did our best to cover all of the basics to get you the facts about all things nutrition (without going crazy in-depth!) so that you can have some new perspective on how God designed our bodies, and how they function when we fuel them properly. My prayer for you is that you can learn, meditate, and work to design a healthy living plan that fits you and your family. Now that we’ve covered nutrition basics, it’s time to dive into the HOW TO part of our course! Over the next few weeks we’re going to dive into REAL tips, tricks, and information that you can use in real life to design your healthy living plan- and one that is sustainable!
If there is one thing that I can encourage you to do, it is this: K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Sister!!! I think one of the biggest downfalls that I’ve seen over the years (and have experienced myself many times!) is when you bite off more than you can chew, especially when it comes to healthy living.
⭐Have you ever experienced something like this cycle? ⭐
▪Hit “rock bottom” in how you feel health wise.
▪Resolve to make ALL the changes – workout 6 days a week, cut all carbs, drink all the water, get 9 hours of sleep, AND be super mom on top of that.
▪Make it about ½ a day through your well-intended plan (maybe a week or two if you’re lucky).
▪Tell yourself that you’ll start again tomorrow… but it’s so many things that you find yourself unable to do it ALL.
▪Go a few weeks with the “I’ll start tomorrow” mentality.
▪Realize it just isn’t happening.
▪Decide to just drop all of your goals for now, because it’s not realistic for your lifestyle.
▪Start the cycle all over again.
Did this sound familiar to your life? If so, please don’t feel bad about it, because the truth is: WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE. But you wanna know another truth? REAL CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.
So here’s how we’re gonna do this (because we’re here to support one another!)… one step at a time, in simple sustainable steps, and leaning into the Lord along the way!
You know all of that information you’ve been learning the last two weeks? To some degree, I want you to wipe it all from your mind – because I don’t want you to start overwhelmed, and feeling like you have to do it all. Because you don’t!
Instead, when it comes to nutrition, I want you to design a sustainable plan that you can do anywhere, anytime, no matter what your current season looks like. I want you to work to form habits so that we can stop the yo-yoing and this cycle of guilt, because we sister were made for more!
So today here’s what I want you to do: Today, start with ONE goal that you’re going to focus on. The rules?
⭐It has to be sustainable to your everyday life… can you see yourself doing in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years? If not, then it’s not worth your time! (We’re not going for fad diets here!)
⭐It has to bless your body & mind… we’re working towards happy and healthy! If it’s something that is going to stress you to no end, that requires insane amounts of tracking, or denies you of things you love or from spending time with your family, stay away from it!
⭐Be specific with the how you're going to do it, when you're going to do it, etc. By being specific and not generalizing, you're setting plans and not just a "want to"
⭐Pray over your chosen goal. Lift it up to Him and ask for His love and guidance to be with you on this journey as you work towards being your best you so that you can do the work He’s set before you.
⭐It can be as simple as replacing one cup of coffee or a soda with a cup of water each day.
⭐It can be cooking and eating whole foods at home 4x a week with your family.
⭐It can be using the hand tools that we’ve learned to track your potion sizes so that you can work on portion control (and easily cutting calories!)
⭐If you are busy and find yourself eating fast food a lot, it can be choosing a meal replacement shake that contains protein, vitamins, and minerals instead of the fast food meal.
⭐ACTION: What is your one goal that you are going to work on for the next few weeks (nutrition based)?