Day 21 - Types of Diets

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Ok sister, we’re officially in phase 3 of our nutrition course! Phase 1 covered the basics, phase 2 covered all of the how-tos, and now phase 3 is all about ways that you can adjust your diet and nutrition to your needs…because not everyone is the same! (and sometimes slight adjustments can make a big difference!) Over the next few days, I’m going to be covering ways that you can fine tune your diet, nutrients, and style of eating. These are slightly more advanced concepts and will be great for you to come back and visit once you feel that you have a hand on fueling your body with all of the tips we’ve been providing over the last few weeks!
Today I’ll be covering 6 of the most popular “styles” of eating (not in any particular order) so that you can learn more about them, and see if they are a good fit for your lifestyle. At the end of the day, remember that every diet boils down to two things: calories in vs calories out, and different breakdown of macros (for example, keto recommends you highly limit your carbs to under 20g a day.. check out the picture today that shows what I’m talking about!). You’ve probably heard some of these (and have maybe even tried a few of them yourself).
Because there is SO much information about all of these, I’m just gonna provide a quick recap along with a link for you to be able to learn more about each of them if one of them peaks your interest! These links should go to 101 pages about each of these styles to break down the potential benefits, potential downfalls, and basics of how to get started on that type of eating style!
⭐Whole 30: encourages followers to cut out alcohol, sugar, grains, legumes, dairy and additives from their diet for 30 days, and then to slowly reintegrate foods you miss to see how your body reacts to them and if you should have them in your life long-term. Learn more here:
⭐Paleo: designed to resemble what human hunter-gatherer ancestors ate thousands of years ago. Basically avoids all processed foods and relies on whole foods. Learn more here:
⭐Vegan: more of a way of life and a philosophy than a diet. A vegan does not eat anything that is animal-based, including eggs, dairy, and honey. Learn more here:
⭐Keto: involves reducing carbohydrate intake and upping fat intake. It sounds contrary to common sense, but it allows the body to burn fat as a fuel, rather than carbohydrates. Learn more here:
⭐Mediterranean: The Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods that people used to eat in countries like Italy and Greece back in 1960.
Researchers noted that these people were exceptionally healthy compared to Americans and had a low risk of many lifestyle diseases. Learn more here:
⭐Low Carb: limits your carb intake, and increase your protein levels. Read more here:
One note that I have for you today is if you choose to try one of these styles of eating… please, please, please have sustainability in mind when you do it! You want to form habits for life, and avoid diet burnout! So make sure that you are taking baby steps to introduce new things into your healthy lifestyle, and if you can’t see yourself doing it in 5 years, or if you can continue to eat a certain way during a busy season, consider if that’s truly the best option for you!
⭐ACTION: Have you tried any of the above eating styles?