Day 17 - How to Shop at the Grocery Store

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So you’ve got your meal plan ready for the week and it’s time to go grocery shopping! Today I’m sharing tips on every section of the grocery store so that you can be prepared and buying the best whole foods for your family!
⭐Reading Nutrition Labels⭐
The first thing you’ll want to know is how to read nutrition fact labels- because even just looking at a few numbers can make a HUGE impact on your calorie, sugar, and so many other things you intake! In today’s picture we have a quick breakdown of the label to tell you what you should limit & what you want more of. When shopping, start simple and just look at another option from your everyday go-to to compare facts. If you find that your go-to is way higher in something you’re looking to limit, consider switching brands!
⭐Check out this awesome interactive site on how to read labels:
When shopping at the grocery store, it can feel overwhelming because of the crazy amount of products available to us! However, below are some awesome tips to help you narrow down your choices quickly & to help you focus on things that will give you the best options for fueling your body! Plus a lot of these tips & also help to be budget friendly!
⭐Fruits & Veggies⭐
▪Buy “in season” produce. They are usually less expensive and are at their peak flavor. Buy only what you can use before it spoils. For more info check out the “Seasonal Produce Guide” from SNAP-Ed Connection.
▪Try buying canned. Choose fruit canned in 100% fruit juice and vegetables with “low-sodium” or “no salt added” on the label. These products are just as nutritious as fresh, and often cost less.
▪If you have the freezer space, buy frozen vegetables without added sauces or butter. They are as good for you as fresh and may cost less.
▪Canned and frozen fruits and vegetables last much longer than fresh and it’s a quick way to add fruits and vegetables to your meal.
▪Make half your grains whole grains. Throughout the store, check ingredient lists and pick the items that have a whole grain listed first.
▪Whole grains include whole wheat, brown rice, bulgur, buckwheat, oatmeal, whole-grain cornmeal, whole oats, and whole rye.
▪Rice and pasta are budget-friendly grain options.
▪Choose hot cereals like plain oatmeal or whole grain dry cereal.
▪Try new whole grain snack ideas, like switching to whole-wheat crackers or popping your own popcorn.
▪Some great low cost choices include beans and peas, such as kidney beans, split peas, and lentils. Use these good sources of protein for main or side dishes. Beans and peas cost far less than a similar amount of other protein foods.
▪To lower meat costs, buy the family-sized or value pack and freeze what you don't use. Choose lean meats like chicken or turkey. When choosing ground beef, make sure it's lean (at least 93% lean) ground beef.
▪Seafood doesn’t have to be expensive. Try buying canned tuna, salmon, or sardines – they store well and are a low cost option.
▪Don’t forget about eggs! They’re a great low-cost option that’s easy to prepare.
▪Choose low- fat or fat-free milk. They provide just as much calcium, but fewer calories than whole and 2% milk.
▪Buy the larger size of low-fat plain yogurt instead of individual flavored yogurt. Then add your own flavors by mixing in fruits.
▪When it comes to cheese, look for "reduced fat," or "low-fat" on the label.
▪Always check the sell by date to make sure you're buying the freshest dairy products.
⭐Other tips⭐
▪Drink water instead of buying sodas or other sugary drinks. Tap water is easy on your wallet and has zero calories.
▪Save time, money and calories by skipping the chip and cookie aisles.
▪Choose the checkout lane without the candy, especially if you have kids with you.
▪Eat before you go to the grocery store… you’re more likely to stick to your list instead of impulse buying what sounds good in the moment!

⭐ACTION: What things do you do when shopping at they grocery store? Share your tips below for your FSM sisters!