Day 18 - Eating Healthy When Busy

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Sister, I KNOW how tough it can be to stay on track and fuel your body when you are running around taking the kids to all of the activities during busy seasons! Who two kiddos who are super active in baseball and softball, weeks like this one are hard to get that consistency of sitting down to dinner every night when we’re on the road… however it makes me so much more motivated to create things that fuel my family when we are at home, even when it’s absolutely crazy busy!
Today I’m sharing a few tips and ways that you can keep your healthy eating on track, even when those seasons hit! I think that the biggest thing is to PREPARE! Whether that is preparing your dinners for the week with the tips below, or planning on taking your lunch time shake to-go because you’re gonna be running kids from activity to activity, having a plan will help you avoid the easy fast food trips that will leave you unsatisfied! (However, sometimes life happens… and when it does give yourself some grace!)
⭐10 Kitchen Timesavers for Busy Mamas⭐
Try these kitchen timesavers to cut back on time and make less work for you. By taking the stress and hassle out of cooking, you’ll have more time to enjoy it and to spend with your loved ones.
⭐Organize your kitchen. Keep frequently used items such as cooking oils/sprays, spatulas, cutting boards, and spices within easy reach. This will save you from having to search for them later.
⭐Clear the clutter. Before you start cooking, clear off your counters. This allows more room for prep space.
⭐Chop extra. When chopping up veggies for a meal, chop more than you need. Take the extra, place in a reusable container and freeze. Then next time you need it, you can skip a step.
⭐Have everything in place. Grab all ingredients needed for your meal – chopped vegetables, measured spices, and thawed meats. It will be easier to spot missing items and avoid skipping steps.
⭐Double your recipe. For your next casserole or stew, try doubling the recipe and freezing the extra. You’ll save time and make cooking next week’s dinner a snap!
⭐Clean as you go. Fill up the sink with soapy water and wash the dishes as you cook. It’ll make clean up go much smoother!
⭐Save some for later. Freeze leftover soups, sauces, or gravies in small reusable containers.
⭐Keep it simple. Healthy and creative meals don't have to be complicated. A simpler menu will usually cost less money and will be easier to prepare in the end.
⭐Allow your family to help. Divide jobs among family members. Remember – kids love to be in the kitchen! With help, you can get more done and have more time to enjoy with your family.
⭐Stretch recipes by adding ingredients. Get more servings out of your favorite recipes! Add rice to soups or stews, frozen vegetables to favorite pasta dishes, or beans to burgers to serve more meals.
Below are tips to keep in mind if you are on the go a lot, or have a job that is keeping you super busy!
⭐Pre-portion and pack snacks for the car/ your desk
⭐Stay hydrated- drink that water!
⭐Go for meals packed with vegetables & protein (will help keep you fueled for your busy day!)
⭐Don’t skip your meals… this can easily lead to overeating later on in the day! If that means planning a meal & meeting at the same time, do it!
⭐Pack your meal the night before & bring it with you the next day (leftovers are GREAT for this!)
⭐Have a simple back-up plan. Maybe that’s a protein shake that you can easily keep a packet in your desk drawer + pair with almond from the snack machine. Have 1-2 easy go-to items on hand in case you find yourself in a jam!
Because you’re more likely to eat out when it’s busy, next week I’ll be sharing tips and tricks on best options at fast food and restaurants so that you can have a quick go-to guide during the busy season AND stay on track to your goals!
⭐ACTION: What do you do when you get busy? Do you tend to skip meals, eat out more, or are you able to stick to your plan? Do you have any tips to share with your FSM sisters? ⭐