Day 19 - Holidays, Vacations & Date Night Eating Healthy

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Who here LOVES the holidays or going out on date night? Trust me sister, It's SO fun to go out and treat yourself... however you don't have to totally overdo it and feel guilty later on! There's the sweet balance of fueling your body and enjoying the things that you love! Today I’m sharing tips on how you can enjoy these special moments, ENJOY the delicious, yummy food that you don’t get to eat every day, and not overdo it and knock you out of line with your happy & healthy mama goals!
In today’s graphic, I found something that you might find incredibly interesting! We all know how to holidays typically look like, however, have you ever thought about it calorie-wise and what it really is for some people compared to what their recommended caloric intake is (Women: 2,000-2,220/ day!). I think that this helps put into perspective of what overindulging can look like… instead let’s focus to enjoy in moderation! Today’s tips are here to help you do just that!
⭐How to Savor the Holidays (and not overdo it!) ⭐
✅Don’t skip meals… this can easily lead to overeating!
✅Eat small portions… get the things you love in smaller quantity. Savor the deliciousness of it by eating slower!
✅Use a smaller plate… often times our eyes are bigger than our stomachs and we can easily fill up our plate with way too many calories!
✅Fill up your plate with salad, veggies and greens FIRST!
✅Wait 10 minutes before going back for seconds… you might find that you don’t really want them!
✅Sip on water before and after your meal
✅Get moving after a big meal… looking to catch up with your aunt? Take a stroll around the yard with her while catching up!
⭐Tips for Eating Out (Dates Night, Vacation, etc!) ⭐
Here are a few simple tips to help make sure your body is getting FUEL FIRST! (It's all about moderation sister!)
🥗 Start with a salad & get those greens in! TIP: Ask for dressing on the side (dip your fork before each bite, you'll be surprised at how much dressing you won't use!)
🥓 Add extra protein and veggies to your meal...craving pasta? Beef it up with goods for your body! Try adding chicken (protein), mushrooms (fiber + protein), spinach (iron, calcium, +++), or swap your noodles for whole grain or veggie noodles!
🍽️ If the portions are large, ask for a to-go box BEFORE you start eating... box half of it up for later! Or split the main dish with someone at the table!
🍹 Consider your drink... yummy cocktails can easily shock your body with loads of sugar, so be sure to compliment them with extra water, or opt for a lower sugar drink.
🚫 Quit the "clean your plate" mentality! Portions at many restaurants are WAY over what we actually need calorie wise. Most women only need 1500-2000 calories a DAY (think about that when looking at calories for one plate!) Enjoy and savor the treat of going out, but don't overdo it!
If there is one thing that I can encourage you with today, it would be this: remember that one (or a few) not-so healthy meals while on vacation, etc. is NOT enough to invalidate the hard work that you’ve been putting in to hit your goals! Just like one bad day doesn’t mean you have a bad life, it’s the same concept with healthy living…. You just have to give yourself grace to not feel guilty for enjoying the sweet moments, and then you have to remember your why! Why are you working towards happy and healthy? That alone should be enough to allow for these give and take moments in life and to help you overall stay on track with your goals. Find your balance, find your happy!
⭐ACTION: What's your favorite going out meal and what is one adjustment you can make to it to fuel your body when eating out?