Courtney Ferrell Fitness

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Got Excuses? We've Got Motivation!: 14 Ways to Overcome Excuses to Not Exercise

If there’s one thing in life that I’ve learned, it’s that there is nothing more empowering than women who come together and support one another! #communityovercompetition

I’m so thankful for the Fit Strong Mama family and the women I’m working out with daily who empower, encourage and love BIG! 💪 Just like the girls at the softball games this weekend, my girls are always showing up and being each other’s #1 cheerleaders! If you're in need of a fitness, health, and mama life cheerleader - YOU ARE WELCOME HERE!

If you are on the struggle bus and needing that motivation and extra cheering... I'm here for you! Today on the blog I'm sharing some of the things that I've heard over the years- reasons why some of my clients feel that they are unable to schedule that 30 minutes to exercise. And then I turn around and give a little bit of tough love as to why that excuse may not be enough. And you know what? Sometimes life just happens and we're unable to! However, if this is happening day after day, we're gotta get out of our excuse mindset and refocused on our goals (because sister, we can ALL come up with some reason not to do something... am I right?)

**DISCLAIMER: These are in NO way meant to call out any of my clients who have said these things to me...instead I want to use these phrases (that I’ve heard more than once over the years!) as a learning tool so that together we can learn to overcome reasons we try to justify why we shouldn’t work out that day! ***

Reasons Why Women Don’t Workout

1. "I get home from a long day of work and keep busy enough. Cook supper. Clean. (Insert all the amazing things we juggle as supermoms here)” 

2. "I am tired."

3. "I work 12 hours running around the hospital.  I don't want to go to the gym after and run around."

​4. "Why workout, when I eat like crap."

​5. "I'm a working mom.  I have kids and after school activities.  There isn't enough time."

6. "I don't want to."

​7. "I’m pregnant.”

8. "I have body parts that hurt when I do."

9. "I am too out of shape to workout."

10. "I just don't have time."

​11. "I don't like working out.

​12.  "I have too much to do today.”​​

13.  "I don't see results, so why do it."

​14.  "I have no one to watch my kids."

How You Can Turn Those Excuses Upside Down (and Into Achievements!)

1.  Lay out your day and schedule in 30 minutes.  Get a pretty calendar and WRITE IT DOWN. Get your spouse or kids to help clean after supper.

2.  Working out will actually give you a boost of energy… give it a try! Even if you do a lap around the office a few times a day, you’ll benefit from it!

3.  Every time you can, take the stairs, do squats, move. Working out doesn’t only have to take place in a gym or in the form of running!

4.  If your eating habits aren’t top notch… choose one thing and work to improve your health. Also, exercise still benefits your body, even if you didn’t eat completely perfect that day! Get your body moving girl!

5.  Schedule in you time first thing in the morning. It’s amazing what you can do with 45 extra minutes to yourself before everyone wakes up!

6.  Maybe you haven’t narrowed in on your why enough to feel that tug of motivation! Is there a specific reason why you don’t want to? Maybe you’ve never tried it! Or maybe you’ve never had too much thought about your health… if so, do a little research sister! Get that information to be informed and know that movement is ESSENTIAL to staying healthy!

7.  There are plenty of exercises you can do while pregnant.  You just modify them as your belly starts getting bigger. It is safe to exercise and if you have been prior to get pregnant, you can continue doing it throughout majority of your pregnancy! Keep you and that precious baby healthy mama!

8.  There are plenty of ways to modify exercises if certain ones hurt while doing them. Also, if you’ve sustained an injury in the past there are modifiers to help prevent stress on those areas as well to keep you feeling great!

9. Unless you enjoy being out of shape, you have to start to get IN better shape. Plus, you have to remember- we all started somewhere! Even if you are only able to complete part of a workout, you’ll be surprised as how quickly your body adjusts and builds muscles! Stick with it sis!

10.  We ALL have the same 24 hours in a day, unless you have some Hermione Granger magic somewhere… you just have to set the clock and stick with it!

11. There are hundreds of different workouts out there from yoga to dancing.  Find what you LIKE and I can promise your attitude will change about it!

12.  If it is a priority, you will make it happen… just like anything else we make a priority throughout our day whether we mean to or not. Have you checked your phone’s activity levels lately? Did you realize how much mindless scrolling or game playing you might be doing on your phone… it adds up and can be that 30 minutes you don’t think you have!

13.  Results take time!  You didn't become out of shape overnight, so don't expect to get back in shape tomorrow!  It takes work and consistency, and I can promise you won’t regret it as you see yourself get stronger!

14. Workout while they are occupied, napping, or get them to workout with you. Lead by example!

I’m gonna be real sister: Excuses are just another way of saying, "It is just not important enough to me."

If that is the case for you, I respect that. We each have our priorities in life, and if it’s important enough, it will happen.

If it is not the case and it is important to you, STOP MAKING EXCUSES and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

If you are struggling, I’m here for you- and so is the entire FSM community. We’ve ALL been there. We’ve ALL started somewhere. We’ve ALL had those days. But together we can push through to help you find your happy and healthy!