Becoming a Fit Strong Mama: Lillie's Transformation Story


Today I’m sharing a very special story about one of our own! Lillie, our November Fit Strong Mama of the Month, has been absolutely killing it for the last year and I’m SO incredibly proud of the huge steps she’s made on her journey! As we come up to her one year FSM anniversary, I wanted to share her story and some amazing pictures of her transformation!


“The lady on the left was so excited to take a picture with our local tv meteorologist, but after seeing herself was ashamed to share the photo. On the right is the same lady, 8 months later showing her husband the smaller pants she was able to wear to work.

I started FSM in December 2019. I’ve always struggled with my weight but after turning 40, the weight seems to pile on fast. After seeing the difference in my friend and fellow FSM sister, I joined the group. I’ve always loved to workout but cardio was the only thing I knew how to do. 11 months later, I am 20 pounds lighter but my favorite part is how much stronger I am now. I have developed muscle tone that I was never able to achieve with cardio. I’m down almost 2 pants sizes!

Courtney is a phone call or text message away. I have knee issues so she sent me a personal knee strengthening video!! She gives guidance on eating good food without guilt.

The program is more than a daily workout, it’s a lifestyle change. I can’t wait to see what the next 12 months bring!”

I am so proud of Lillie and so very thankful for you and just amazed at what God has done and continuing to do. Sister, this is not a sprint, this is a process. There is no quick fix, no magic pill. You have to put in the time and the effort if you want to make changes.

This is a life CHANGE, not a 30 day challenge. And what’s amazing is that we have an amazing tribe of women who are making those same changes & commitment to themselves and want to welcome you with open arms! If you would like to learn more about Fit Strong Mama and how to get started on your journey, check out the “JOIN” page or send me a message so that we can chat one-on-one!
