Becoming a Fit Strong Mama: Amanda's Transformation Story


Today I’m sharing a very special story about one of our newer members who has made incredible gains in the months that we have shared! Amanda, our February Fit Strong Mama of the Month, has been absolutely killing it and I’m SO incredibly proud of the huge steps she’s made on her journey! Reading her story, I think that it resonates with so many women - the yo-yo effect that seems to happen to us all! I hope that you are encouraged and inspired by this amazing woman! Congrats to Amanda for reaching some amazing goals - check out her story below!


“FSM sisters, I dressed up earlier this week to put a picture with my story… But then I changed my mind. This is me. My favorite leggings and sports bra on combo day! 6am...Unbrushed hair, unbrushed teeth (lol) feeling better and healthier than I’ve ever felt in my life at 43 years old. Am I at my thinnest? Nope! Am I at my goal? Nope. Am I confident I’ll get there with the help of my FSM family? Without a doubt!

Like many women, I have gained and lost plenty of pounds over the years, even losing 85 lbs about 8 years ago. I was working out and eating well and I felt pretty good. I didn’t reach my goal weight at that time because I let other people get in my head. My friends and family started telling me I was too skinny, that my head looked big, that I needed to eat more, blah blah blah. I started making some bad eating choices and I stopped working out completely. I gained several pounds back but managed, for about 6.5 years to maintain a decent weight.  Then, I slowly fell back into my old eating habits and because I wasn’t moving, about ¾ of those 85 lbs piled right back on my 5’3 frame.

During the quarantine, my daughter was home from college for about the first 3 months. I was so happy she was home so I was cooking and baking and serving up all our favorite foods. I realized I had to start moving so I began a walking regimen back in April of 2020. In June, I got sick (thought I had covid but tested negative) and stopped exercising….again. I was letting any excuse keep me from doing what I knew was the smart and healthy thing.

Finally, in October of 2020, I stepped on the scale and realized what I had allowed to happen. It was bad. I spoke to a dietician and began a low carb plan. I started walking and I had some success. Fifteen pounds fell off quick. In November, I knew I needed to add something besides walking to my routine. I remembered that Shelby Rippie had told me about FSM a couple years ago so I looked it up on the internet.

I realized right then that I was ready! I paid for the rest of November and I began incorporating all of Courtney’s workouts into my routine! I did the Victory workout and I realized how physically weak I had become. I resolved right then to be a healthier, happier, stronger version of myself. I became active in Courtney’s FSM Facebook group. I only know a couple of the ladies in that group outside of Facebook but they have become such a huge support to me! I watch for them to post and I know Courtney and the other ladies are watching for me. This helps me stay accountable because I know they will notice if I am not there. 

Since I joined FSM on November 23, 2020, I have lost 25 total inches and an additional 10 lbs. Most importantly, I feel so much stronger. I just completed my 3 month Victory workout and I made gains in every single area!! I tell everyone about Courtney and Fit Strong Mama. I have no doubt that, with these healthy lifestyle changes and by incorporating this group into my life, I will reach my goals and become the healthy me I have wanted to be for years!”

I am so proud of Amanda and so very thankful for you and just amazed at what God has done and continuing to do. Sister, this is not a sprint, this is a process. There is no quick fix, no magic pill. You have to put in the time and the effort if you want to make changes.

This is a life CHANGE, not a 30 day challenge. And what’s amazing is that we have an amazing tribe of women who are making those same changes & commitment to themselves and want to welcome you with open arms! If you would like to learn more about Fit Strong Mama and how to get started on your journey, check out the “JOIN” page or send me a message so that we can chat one-on-one!
