Courtney Ferrell Fitness

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Should Women Lift Weights?

Every so often, I get asked the question, “Should women lift weights?” So many women I’ve encountered have this internal fear of bulking up so much that they look like a bodybuilder, when in reality that’s not what women look like when they lift!

So today I wanted to chat with you about WHY it is so important for you to incorporate weight lifting into your workout routines (I’m looking at you my cardio only friends!), and why it’s a focus for my routines here at Fit Strong Mama.

Before I get started - I just want to say this: ANY form of moving your body is AMAZING and should be celebrated! I know how tough it can be to find motivation, and know that if you are struggling to workout every day, that I highly encourage any form of movement - however you can get it!

Here are my top four reasons why I will answer “YES!” anytime someone asks me if women should lift weights:

1.    You’ll Burn More Calories. Muscle burns more calories than fat cells do… so by lifting weights and building muscle, you naturally boost your metabolism in the process! Even after a workout is complete, your muscles continue to burn calories throughout the day - so those 30 minutes of weight lifting in the gym really do pay off throughout the day!

2.    You’ll Maintain Muscle. According to, research shows that between the ages of 30-70, women lose 22% of their muscle mass! And you know what fills in the places that muscle has been lost? Typically fat. So keep your muscle mass by lifting those weights a few times a week….BONUS: as you get older your mobility & strength from maintaining muscle mass can help prevent injuries!

3.   Stronger to Do Everyday Tasks. The more that you build muscle, the easier you’ll find it is to pick up your kiddos, move things around the house, and just overall find that everyday tasks are easier as you get stronger. This is an amazing benefit that has been one of my favorites to see FSM members enjoy as they celebrate their non-scale victories!

4.    Overall Better Health. We probably all know that cardio is good for your heart… but what about the rest of your body? By combining cardio with weight lifting, you can do so many great things for your body! Some of the benefits include less stress & the “feel good” chemicals increase, brain health (including decreased memory loss), reduced risk of diabetes, and SO much more!

There are so many other benefits that I can go on and on, but to me, these are the main ones that really seal the deal and keep weight lifting in my workout routines. So should women lift weights? YES!

I can promise you, if you life weights, you will not end up looking like a body builder. And if you’re intimidated by the weight section in the gym - then don’t be! FSM is here to help with at-home workouts that you can do anytime of day, or you can bring your recordings to the gym with you so that you have a routine and know what to do with weights and how to do exercises properly!

Let’s keep working together towards being happy, healthy and STRONG women who are glorifying Him in all that we do!